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MOU Development With Indian Intitutions

Indian Higher Education System:Snapshot

Levels of Study:

Bachelors/Undergraduate: 3-4 years Masters/Postgraduate: 2 years Doctoral: 2 to 5 years (varies)


Central University: A university established or incorporated by a Central Government Act. State University: A university established or incorporated by a State Legislature Act. Private Universities: A university established through a State/Central Act by a sponsoring body viz. A Society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, or any other corresponding law for the time being in force in a State or a Public Trust or a Company registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. Deemed to be University: An Institution of Higher Education, other than universities, working at a very high standard in specific area of study, can be declared by the Central Government on the advice of the UGC as an Institution ‘Deemed-to-be-university’. Institutions that are ‘deemed-to-be-university’enjoy academic status and privileges of a university. Institution of National Importance: An Institution established by Act of Parliament and declared as Institution of National Importance.

Regulatory Bodies

Umbrella Body: Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource & Development, Govt. of India (MHRD) Purpose: Engaged in bringing world class opportunities of higher education and research to the country so that Indian students are not finding lacking when facing an international platform.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) was created on September 26, 1985, through the 174th amendment to the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961. Currently, the MHRD works through two departments:

Department of Higher Education: takes care of what is one of the largest Higher Education systems of the world, just after the United States and China.

Governing Body for Universities: University Grants Commission (UGC) Purpose: Apex Body responsible for governance of higher education institutions.

The University Grants Commission is a statutory organization established by an Act of Parliament in 1956 for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of university education. Apart from providing grants to eligible universities and colleges, the Commission also advises the Central and State Governments on the measures which are necessary for the development of Higher Education. It functions from New Delhi as well as its six Regional offices located in Bangalore, Bhopal, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Pune.

Statutory Councils:

Purpose: Statutory Councils are responsible for approval of respective programs.

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Distance Education Council (DEC) Indian Council for Agriculture Research (lCAR) Bar Council of India(BCI) National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Medical Council of India (MCI) Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) Indian Nursing Council (INC) Dentist Council of India (DCI) Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)

Accreditation Body: National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Purpose: Responsible for evaluating the quality of higher education in India

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, an autonomous body, has been established by the University Grants Commission in 1994. The prime mandate of NAAC, as envisaged in its Memorandum of Association (MoA), is to assess and accredit institutions of higher learning, universities and colleges or one or more of their units, i.e., departments, schools, institutions, programs, etc.

Examples of some Successful Partnerships

International HE Partnerships by type (FICCI HE Summit 2014 Report)

Joint Campus: 5 Twinning: 49 Programmatic collaboration: 60 Twinning or programmatic collaborations: 77

Examples of international collaborations

Research Projects:

- OP Jindal with the University of Michigan (USA) and Griffith University (Australia) for joint research in law Indian

- Institute of Technology, Mumbai and Monash, Australia - Indian Institute of Science and University of Leicester for joint research on smart and adaptable air-vehicles

Faculty/Student Exchange

- Signing of MOU between Apeejay Stya University in Haryana with Georgia College, USA and EM Normandie, France for student exchange program - NIILM University, Haryana has student exchange tie-up with MIT and University of Virginia (UVA) - OP Jindal and Cornell University for student and faculty exchange

Curriculum Development

- Punjab Technical University and Carnegie Mellon University have entered into a partnership for curriculum development

- MIT assisted BITS with curriculum development

Twinning Arrangements

- Shiv Nadar University and Carnegie Mellon offer a dual degree engineering program - OP Jindal collaborates with University of Arizona and International University College, Turin (Italy) for law programs

International Higher Education System

What is credit based education system? A credit system is a systematic way of describing an educational programme by attaching credits to its components. The definition of credits in higher education systems may be based on different parameters, such as student workload, learning outcomes and contact hours.

In a credit system the students have a choice to choose from the prescribed courses, which are referred as core, elective or minor or soft skill courses and they can learn at their own pace and the entire assessment is graded-based on a credit system.

How many credits does a course have? Most colleges and universities award 3 Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (45-48 contact hours) for the successful completion of a study course. The number of credits for lectures, independent project work, laboratory time and internships vary depending on specific institution requirements.

What is the relationship between degree courses and credit hours? A course is measured in the number of credit hours needed to complete it. For an undergraduate degree, basic courses may have 1 credit or 2 credits. In a Master’s degree, including for MBAs, most courses are either 3 or 4 credits. A standard full-time study load is usually 30 credit hours per year. Typically, in order to graduate with a degree, universities expect students to complete: 120-130 credit hours for a Bachelor’s degree 30-64 credit hours for a Master's degree.Some universities use Semester Credit Hours to set tuition fees and scholarships for prospective students. During a semester, an international student has to take between 9 and 12 credit hours, depending on each college or university. How does the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS-credits) work? By completing a course, seminar, module etc., you get awarded ECTS-credit points. Every ECTS credit point represents the amount of workload you accomplished in that period of time.

Some examples of ECTS credits assigned per degree type are: - 1 year of studies - 60 ECTS-credits; - 3 year Bachelor’s programme - 180 ECTS-credits; - 2 year Master’s programme - 120 ECTS-credits.

How does the US higher education credit system work? A standard full-time study load is usually 30 credit hours per year. Typically, in order to graduate with a degree, universities expect students to complete: - 120-130 credit hours for a Bachelor’s degree - 30-64 credit hours for a Master's degree

Not all ECTS credits are created equal This means that usually a module or course with 10 ECTS credits has approximately twice the workload of a course with 5 ECTS. But why just in theory? Depending on the country, one ECTS credit point can equal on average between 25 and 30 study hours. Examples include: - Austria, Italy, and Spain - 1 ECTS = 25 study hours; - Finland - 1 ECTS = 27 study hours; - The Netherlands, Portugal - 1 ECTS = 28 study hours; - Germany, Belgium, Romania, and Hungary - 1 ECTS = 30 study hours;

Study hours (also known as work hours) are estimates, because you might spend much more time on a course you are not so familiar with and maybe way less on another course, which is exactly in your field of interest and expertise. That means that one of your 5 ECTS courses might involve more work than a 10 ECTS course, even if it is on the same programme, and in the same university.

Types of Collaborations

Franchising International institutions appoint institutions in India as franchisees, authorized to provide all or part of their courses in India, towards a qualification awarded by the international institution.

The attraction of these arrangements is that students gain a foreign degree at Indian cost.

Twinning Under these arrangements, Indian institutions deliver courses specified and developed by International institutions. Students undertake the early parts of their studies in India, before completing the requirements of an International qualification at the foreign institution’s campus. The attraction of this is that it reduces the cost and length of students' stay overseas.

Program Articulation Unlike twinning, an articulation agreement does not require the partnering institutions to jointly implement an academic program. Students can study the courses of the first few years at the Indian institution, with the International institution recognizing the credits they earn as advanced standing in specified courses. The qualifications may be awarded by one or both institutions.

The attraction of this is that it allows the students to choose from multiple universities abroad that their university has an articulation agreement with. Articulation agreements are fairly easy to implement as compared to other collaborations.

Student Exchange In these arrangements, the students complete a semester or two, or a project, in an institution overseas by prior arrangement, which earn credits towards their qualification awards. In some cases the exchange is mutual - i.e., students from both institutions travel; in others, it is one way.

Collaborative Research International research collaborations refer to research projects that involve active participation of investigators whose primary institutional affiliations are in different countries. Although there may be substantial variability in the scope of these international projects, they are all characterized by the joint nature of the research process across national boundaries. In each case, cross-national teams jointly initiate, perform and report empirical research in an area of common interest. Collaborative International Degrees (Dual, Joint, 2 plus 2, 1 plus 3 etc.) Concurrent undergraduate degrees: Transfer credits from the Indian institution fulfill a portion of the requirements for the foreign degree. Students usually must complete at least 50% of all credit hours required for the foreign degree while enrolled at the foreign institution.

Integrated undergraduate-graduate degree programs: Students complete the remaining requirements for the undergraduate degree at the Indian institution and the requirements for a master's degree at foreign institution. Specified courses may count toward both degrees.

UGC Regulations-Collaboration Regulations: India Perspective


What is UGC? The University Grants Commission (UGC) came into existence on 28th December, 1953 and became a statutory Organization of the Government of India by an Act of Parliament in 1956, for the coordination,determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in university education.

Eligibility criteria and conditions for collaborations

For FEIs (Foreign Education Institutions) - Accredited - Operative arrangements in India through IEs by way of collaboration - Abide by conditions prescribed by GoI and Statutory Regulatory bodies

For IEIs (Indian Education Institutions) - Accreditation with a grade not less than A or its equivalent grade w.r.t. institution / program - Experience of at least six years or two batches graduating. IEIs maintained by government are excused - Collaboration shall be evaluated by a sub-committee of the UGC - Academic infrastructure should meet requirements of professional statutory bodies - IEI affiliated to a university, shall obtain prior approval

For Both Details of the program should be displayed on website No programme/study against national security Regulations of Reserve Bank India to be complied with foreign exchange Grievance of students, including legal, to be addressed by IEIs in collaboration

Procedure / Steps for Approval for IEIs

- Approval from its Board of Governors - Apply online on UGC website: Upload along with application a digitally verified copy of MoU and details of FEI

Requirements under draft MoU: - Provision that credits awarded by IEI shall be accepted by FEI for collaboration and academic mobility - Minimum duration in FEI shall not be less than 2 semesters for undergraduate and 1 semester for post graduate programmes - UGC will acknowledge receipt of application. Deficiencies shall b communicated within 30 working days - UGC places the proposal before its sub-committee - Letter of Approval issued by the Committee. Letter of Rejection with reasons issued by the Committee on its website. UGC has to respond within 60 working days from day of receipt - Approval valid for two cycles of the minimum duration of degree. - The IEI will apply for renewal before 6 months of expiration Miscellaneous conditions - Franchise arrangement is not allowed under these regulations - UGC shall maintain an updated list of approved collaborating institutions - After commencement of these regulations, no IEI shall establish collaboration with FEI without express permission/approval from UGC - All such degrees shall be awarded only by IEI and not by FEI - Joint degrees are not permissible - Degree may include para that it is being awarded in collaboration with FEI. Not to be construed as a Joint Degree - Transcripts of credits obtained at FEI will be issued by the FEI. When issued jointly by the IEI, these shall form part of transcripts. FEI may also sign the transcripts issued by IEI. Consequence of Violation - UGC can suo motu may initiate inquiry on the basis of complaint - Opportunity of being heard is given to IEI, before revocation of approval - Penal action on IEI if it enters into agreement without prior approval by UGC - Action against IEIs by UGC for violations of regulations

AICTE Regulations


Collaboration and Twinning Program between Indian and Foreign University / Institution in the field of Technical Education, Research and Training

What is AICTE? All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) was set up in November 1945 as a national-level Apex Advisory Body to conduct a survey on the facilities available for technical education and to promote development in the country in a coordinated and integrated manner. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is the statutory body and a national-level council for technical education, under Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

Requirements and Eligibility - Accreditation required - No Foreign University / Institution shall establish / operate its educational activity in India without specific approval of the Council. - Foreign University or Institution must be accredited. - The educational Programmes to be conducted in India by Foreign Universities or Institutions shall have the same nomenclature as it exists in their Parent Country. - No distinction in the academic curriculum, mode of delivery, pattern ofexamination. - Should be fully recognized in their Parent Country. - Any Course or Programme which jeopardizes the National interest shall not be allowed to be offered in India.

Collaboration and Twinning Programmes: Conditions - The Indian Partner Institution shall be affiliated to the University/ Board. - The Foreign Institution and the Indian Partner Institution shall enter in to a bipartite agreement (MoU) for this purpose. - The Indian Institution and the concerned Affiliating University/ Board shall also enter into a bipartite agreement/ MoU for this purpose. - For Courses where University/ Board approval is not mandatory, the Foreign Institution and the Indian Partner Institution shall enter into a bipartite agreement/MoU for this purpose. - Under Twinning Programme students should spend at least one Semester for two years Programme and two Semesters for four years of the Course work ofthe Programme in the Foreign University/ Institution in its Parent Country. - The students failing to secure Visa should be enrolled in a similar Programme being conducted by the Indian Partner Institution, affiliated to a University/Board. The intake of such students shall be over and above the “Approved Intake” of the Programme being conducted by the Indian Partner Institution. - Degree shall be awarded by the Foreign University/ Institution and in its Parent Country.

Procedure for Collaboration - Apply on the AICTE Web-Portal - Processed by the Scrutiny/ Re-Scrutiny - Followed by Expert Visit Committee. - Institution shall provide all required documents in original at the time of the - Scrutiny/ Re-Scrutiny/.Expert Visit Committee for verification. - The Institution shall submit attested copies of all the original documents to the Expert Visit Committee. - Following additional documents shall be necessary while seeking approval for Foreign Collaboration and Twinning Programme(s). - NoC from concerned Embassy in India for genuineness of Technical Institution of the respective Country. - Signed MoU - Affidavit to be submitted by the Applicant - The Institution shall submit an Annual Report. - Council shall cause an Inspection, whenever necessary, with or without prior notice. SOURCE DOCUMENTS F. No. 1-1/2012(CPP-II).—In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (f) and (g) of sub-section (1) of section 26 read with clause (j) of Section 12 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, the University Grants Commission hereby makes the following regulations, namely:-

1) Short title, application and commencement:- (1) These regulations may be called the University Grants Commission (Promotion and Maintenance of Standards of Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2016 (hereafter referred to as the Regulations). The University Grants Commission (Promotion and Maintenance of Standards of Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2012 shall hereby stand repealed. (2) These regulations shall apply to- (a) All Foreign Educational Institutions operating in India through collaboration with Indian Educational Institutions, other than Technical Institutions, prior to the coming into force of these regulations, or intending to operate through collaboration, for offering their programmes leading to award of degrees; and (b) Indian Educational Institutions, other than Technical Institutions, already collaborating prior to the coming into force of these regulations, or intending to collaborate with Foreign Educational Institutions for offering programme(s) of study leading to award of degrees. (3) Any Indian Educational Institution or Foreign Educational Institution already having a collaborative arrangement shall comply with these regulations within a period of six months from the date of their coming into force. (4) These regulations shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2) Definitions:-

(a) “Act” means the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 as amended from time to time; (b) “Assessment and Accreditation Agency”, in respect of Indian Educational Institutions means an agency recognized under the University Grants Commission (Recognition and monitoring of Assessment and Accreditation Agencies) Regulations, 2014. (c) “Assessment and Accreditation Agency”, in respect of a Foreign Educational Institution, means an agency or body approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions; (d) “Collaboration”, for the purposes of these regulations, means an arrangement between an Indian Educational Institution and a Foreign Educational Institution, put into place through an instrument of written Agreement for the purposes of twinning leading to the award of degree(s); (e) “Commission” means the University Grants Commission established under section 4 of the Act; (f) “Degree”means a degree awarded by an Indian Educational Institution in accordance with the provisions of the section 22 of the UGC Act; (g) “Franchise” means and includes the offering of degree programmes, formally or informally, by any person or institution or organization, other than the Higher Education Institution recognized under these regulations, on behalf of or in the name of the recognized Higher Education Institution, andthe term ‘franchisee’ shall be construed accordingly (h) “Foreign Educational Institution” means– (i) an institution duly established or incorporated in its home country and offering educational programmes at the undergraduate and higher levels in its home country and (ii) which offers or proposes to offer programme(s) of study leading to the award of degree(s) through conventional face-to-face mode, but excluding distance mode, in a twinning arrangement with any Indian Educational Institution; (i) “Indian Educational Institution” means a university or college or institution, whether known as such or by any other name, (public and private), other than Technical Institution, recognized as such by the relevant Statutory Body for imparting education at undergraduate and higher levels; (j) A “Joint Degree”, for the purposes of these regulations, means a single degree jointly awarded by the Indian Educational Institution and the collaborating Foreign Educational Institution. (k) “Statutory Body” means a body established or incorporated by or under a Central Act to regulate, co-ordinate, determine and maintain standards of teaching, examination and research in universities or programme(s) of study, including professional programme(s) leading to the award of degree(s); (l) “Technical Institution” means an institution as defined under clause (h) of section 2 of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 but excluding Technical Universities and Universities offering technical programmes; (m) “Twinning Programme” means a programme of study whereby students enrolled with an Indian Educational Institution may complete their programme of study partly in India, complying with relevant UGC regulations, and partly in the main campus of a Foreign Educational Institution in its home country in which it is primarily established or incorporated. 3) Eligibility criteria and conditions for collaborations:- (1) A Foreign Educational Institution collaborating with an Indian Educational Institution shall satisfy the following criteria or conditions- (a) Be accredited, by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency, with the highest grade (in case of grade accreditation) or threshold level (in case of threshold accreditation), in their homeland. (b) Have operative arrangements in India through Indian Educational Institution(s) by way of collaboration. (c) Abide by any other condition(s) prescribed by the Government of India and Statutory Regulatory Body(ies) from time to time.

(2) An Indian Educational Institution collaborating with Foreign Educational Institution(s) shall satisfy the following criteria or conditions- (a) At the time of Agreement for collaboration, the Indian Educational Institution shall have accreditation by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency with a grade not less than A or its equivalent grade (in case of grade accreditation) or threshold level (in case of threshold accreditation) with respect to the institution or programme whichever is applicable; (b) It shall have experience of at least six years or have at least two batches of students graduating, whichever is earlier, in offering educational programme(s) in India at the degree level; Provided that the Indian Educational Institutions maintained by the Commission or Central/State/Union Territory Governments shall be exempt from the requirement of six years experience or at least two batches of students graduating, whichever is earlier, in offering educational programme(s) in India at the degree level. Provided further that any Indian Educational Institution which has signed a collaboration agreement with Foreign Educational Institution prior to the date of coming into force of the Regulations and not having the desired accreditation on the date of notification of these regulations, shall be required to obtain the accreditation, by a recognized accreditation agency, with a grade not less than A or its equivalent within one year after completion of six years from the date of the commencement of educational programme(s) or two batches of students graduating, whichever is earlier. Provided further that within six months of notification of these regulations, the collaboration shall be evaluated by a sub-committee of the Commission, which shall take into account a presentation by the Indian Higher Educational Institution. The sub-committee will include experts having experience in international jurisprudence; international academic background and also comprise representatives of Association of Indian Universities; All India Council of Technical Education, etc. The Commission shall take a decision on the continuation or otherwise of the collaboration based on the recommendations of the sub-committee. In case of

the decision of discontinuation of the collaboration, the Commission shall record the extenuating ground for its decision. The decision of the Commission shall be communicated to the institution. (c) Its academic infrastructure, including laboratory and workshop facilities and library shall meet the requirements of the relevant professional Statutory Councils/ Bodies. (d) The Indian Educational Institution, if it is an institution affiliated to a university, collaborating with Foreign Educational Institutions for conducting programme(s) of study leading to the degree(s) shall obtain prior approval from the affiliating university concerned.

(3) All institutions (Indian or Foreign) involved in collaborative, twinning or other forms of partnership arrangements shall satisfy the following criteria and conditions: (a) The academic requirements and other details of the programme(s) of study shall be made public by displaying prominently in the website, before the commencement of the programme, by the Indian Educational Institution concerned. (b) No programme of study and/or research shall be offered which is against national security and territorial integrity of India. (c) The Educational Institution concerned shall also abide by any other condition(s) specified by the Government of India and Statutory Body(ies) from time to time. (d) Wherever foreign exchange is involved, the educational institution (Indian and/or foreign) shall abide by and comply with the relevant Regulations, Norms, Notifications and Instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time. (e) Matters relating to the grievances of students including legal matters relating to the collaboration shall be addressed by the Indian Educational Institution entering into academic collaboration.

4. Procedure for collaboration:- Any Indian Educational Institution collaborating with a Foreign Educational Institution(s) shall have to enter into a written Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement with the Foreign Educational Institution concerned: Provided that no Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement shall be entered into by an Indian Educational Institution collaborating with a Foreign Educational Institution unless the Indian Educational Institution concerned has obtained prior approval of the Commission; Provided further, that after approval of the Commission, the Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement shall be signed by both the partnering institutions and a copy of such Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement shall be forwarded to the Commission and shall also be uploaded on its website by the Indian Educational Institution. 5. Procedure for approval:-

For approval, the following procedure is required to be fulfilled; namely- (a) The Indian Higher Educational Institution shall obtain the approval of its Board of Governors/Syndicate/ Executive Council for the academic collaboration with the foreign higher educational institution in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Higher Education, Government of India vide F.No. 6-2/2015-ICC dated 17th December, 2015 and its subsequent amendments, if any, issued from time to time. (b) The Indian Higher Educational Institution shall, thereafter, apply online on the dedicated University Grants Commission portal and also upload along with the application a digitally certified copy of draft Memorandum of Understanding/ Agreement and details about the Foreign Educational Institution including the infrastructure facilities, facilities available for instruction, faculty, specified fee, courses, curricula, requisite funds for operations for a minimum period of three years and other terms and conditions of collaboration, if any. (c) The draft Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement should incorporate the provision that the credits, awarded by the Indian Higher Educational Institution under the degree programs covered in the collaboration, shall be accepted by the Foreign Higher Educational Institution not only for the collaboration but for all other purposes, including academic mobility. Further, the minimum duration of the program of study, covered under the collaboration, in the Foreign Educational Institution shall not be less than two semesters for undergraduate programs and one semester for the postgraduate programs. (d) The Commission, after receiving the online application along with draft Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement shall acknowledge online the receipt of the application. Deficiencies in the proposal, if any, shall be communicated and additional documents, if any required, shall be asked for within a period of 30 working days. (e) Once the Commission is satisfied that the proposal is complete in all respects, the proposal shall be placed before the sub-committee of the Commission, referred to in the third proviso to Regulation 3(2)(b), for examining such proposals. The recommendations of the sub-committee shall be placed before the Commission which shall take the decision to issue a letter of approval, after considering various factors including quality of education, overall merit of the proposal, fees to be charged, credibility of the Foreign Educational Institution as well as Indian Educational Institution. In case the Commission does not approve the proposal, a letter of rejection shall be issued on the designated University Grants Commission portal by the Commission stipulating the reasons there for. All communications received from the applicants shall be responded to by the University Grants Commission within a period of 60 working days from the dates of their receipt. (f) The approval so granted shall be valid for two cycles of the minimum duration of the degree programmes covered under the collaboration or as specified otherwise. (g) The Indian Educational Institution shall apply, on the designated UGCportal, for renewal of approval, granted under these regulations, before six months of its expiration.

6. Miscellaneous conditions:-

The other conditions required to be fulfilled are - (a) A franchise arrangement, whether overtly or covertly, by whatever nomenclature used, between a Foreign Educational Institution and an Indian Educational Institution shall not be allowed under these regulations. (b) The University Grants Commission shall maintain an updated list of approved collaborating institutions on its website. (c) On commencement of these regulations, no Indian Educational Institution shall establish or operate its educational activity in India through collaboration with a Foreign Educational Institution leading to award of degree(s) without the express permission or approval of the Commission. (d) Within the country the degree of the student graduating from Indian Educational Institution, in collaborative arrangement with Foreign Educational Institution, shall be awarded only by the Indian Educational Institution and not by Foreign Educational Institution whatsoever. Joint degrees are not permitted. The degree awarded by the Indian Educational Institution shall carry its logo, seal and name alone as the awarding institution. The degree may incorporate a para that it is being awarded in collaboration with the Foreign Educational Institution to make it amply clear that the primacy and the award of the degree is by the Indian Educational Institution and that the degree awarded is not to be construed as a Joint Degree. The transcripts of credits obtained at the Foreign Educational Institution shall be issued by that Institution, and when jointly signed by the Indian Educational Institution, shall form part of the transcripts. The Foreign Educational Institution may also sign the transcript of credits earned in the Indian Educational Institution.

7. Consequences of violation:-

(a) The Commission shall, suo motu or on the basis of any complaint from any quarter may cause an inquiry, including physical inspection, of the collaborative arrangements and after having satisfied itself that the collaborating institution(s)is/are not functioning in accordance with these regulations, may revoke the approval for collaboration and while issuing such directions, the Commission shall ensure that the students, who have already enrolled for such course or programme are permitted to continue till they obtain requisite qualification; Provided that before revocation of approval, an opportunity of being heard shall be given to the Indian Educational Institution concerned. (b) If the institution concerned is found to have violated these regulations, the Commission shall take action as provided under section 14 of the Act and shall also notify on its website and also through media that the programme(s) offered or conducted through the said collaborative arrangements are not in conformity with these regulations. (c) In case the Commission finds any Deemed to be University violating any of the provisions of these regulations, in addition to provisions made under clauses (a) and (b) above, the Commission may also recommend to the Central Government for withdrawal of Deemed to be University status. (d) If an Indian Educational Institution issues an advertisement that it is offering a degree from a Foreign Educational Institution, and this collaboration does not have the approval of the Commission, the Commission shall conduct a preliminary inquiry and on finding prima-facie evidence of fraud inform the appropriate Central and State agencies, along with evidence, for initiating penal action. (e) The Commission may also take further action against Indian Educational Institution(s) for violating the regulations.

8. Interpretation:-

(a) Any question as to the interpretation of these regulations shall be decided by the Commission and its decision shall be final and binding in the matter. (b) The Commission shall have the power to issue clarifications to remove any doubt, difficulty or anomaly which may arise in regard to the implementation of these regulations. c) Any dispute arising in relation to collaborative arrangement between Indian Educational Institution(s) and Foreign Educational Institution(s) shall be governed by the Indian law.

Objectives a. To facilitate Collaboration and Twinning Programme between Indian and Foreign Universities/ Institutions in the field of Technical Education, Research and Training. b. To safeguard the interest of student community in India and ensure uniform maintenance of Norms and Standards as prescribed by various Statutory Bodies. c. To ensure accountability for all such educational activities by Foreign Universities/Institutions in India. d. To safeguard against entry of non-accredited Institutions in the Country of origin to impart Technical Education in India. e. To safeguard the Nation’s interest and take punitive measures, wherever necessary, against the erring Institutions.

Requirements and Eligibility a. Foreign Universities/ Institutions interested in imparting Technical Education in Collaboration or through a Twinning Programme in India leading to award of Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma. b. An Indian University Department or Institution which is already in existence and is duly approved by the Council, interested in imparting Technical Education leading to award of Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma of a Foreign University/ Institution through collaborative/ Twinning arrangements, provided there is “Zero Deficiency” based on Self-Disclosure. c. An Indian University Department or Institution should have a valid NBA accreditation for one year beyond 10th April, 2018 in the Programme/ Course for which Twinning is sought. d. No Foreign University/ Institution shall establish/ operate its educational activity in India leading to award of Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma without specific approval of the Council. e. Accreditation by the authorized agency in Parent Country shall be the pre-requisite condition for any Foreign University or Institution to start its operation for imparting Technical Education in India.

f. The educational Programmes to be conducted in India by Foreign Universities or Institutions leading to award of Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma Level (ONLY Regular/ First Shift Courses) shall have the same nomenclature as it exists in their Parent Country. There shall not be any distinction in the academic Curriculum, mode of delivery, pattern of examination, etc. and such Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma should be fully recognized in their Parent Country. g. Any Course or Programme which jeopardizes the National interest shall not be allowed to be offered in India. h. The Council shall prescribe any other condition for registration, expedient to do so in the overall interest of the Technical Education system in the Country.

Collaboration and Twinning Programmes a. The Indian Partner Institution shall be affiliated to the University/ Board. b. The Foreign University/ Institution and the Indian Partner Institution shallenter in to a bipartite agreement/ MoU for this purpose. c. The Indian Institution and the concerned Affiliating University/ Board shall also enter into a bipartite agreement/ MoU for this purpose. d. For Course(s) where University/ Board approval is not mandatory, the Foreign University/ Institution and the Indian Partner Institution shall enter in to a bipartite agreement/ MoU for this purpose. e. The students admitted under the Twinning Programme should spend at least one Semester for two years Programme and two Semesters for four years of the Course work of the Programme in the Foreign University/ Institution in its Parent Country. f. The students failing to secure Visa should be enrolled in a similar Programme being conducted by the Indian Partner Institution, affiliated to a University/ Board. The Intake of such students shall be over and above the “Approved Intake” of the Programme being conducted by the Indian Partner Institution. g. Institutions admitting foreign nationals should ensure registration of Foreign students with concerned Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO). h. The Degree shall be awarded by the Foreign University/ Institution and in its Parent Country.

TER Charges a. The TER Charges shall be paid through the AICTE payment gateway on the AICTE Web-Portal, through Corporate Internet banking failing which, the application shall not be considered.

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